Types of Depression

Major depressive disorder affects a person’s ability to do everyday things such as E, sleep and work. Major depression can cause you to function normally in life. Symptoms include loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, depressed mood and feelings of sadness, hopelessness or loneliness.

Chronic depression is characterized by a depressed mood that has lasted two years or longer. However, it is not as severe as major depressive disorder because it does not interfere with your daily living.

Atypical depression normally includes symptoms of fatigue, over eating, oversleeping, unusual sensitivity to rejection and modes that get worse or improve according to certain events.

Bipolar depression is also known as manic depression. It is a complicated disorder in which the mood alternates between depression and extreme mania. There are two types of bipolar disorder: bipolar one and bipolar two. People who have at least one event of a manic mood but no episodes of depression are diagnosed with bipolar one disorder. People who have at least one episode of major depression in extreme mania are diagnosed with bipolar two disorders.

Seasonal depression is separate from other kinds of depression seasonal depression is known as seasonal affective disorder. This type of depression only comes around one time per year at the same time. The most common times last throughout the winter and end in spring or very early summer.

Postpartum depression is a type of depression that happens after childbirth. About 75% of women get the baby blues after experiencing childbirth. However, one out of every 10 new moms has a more serious disorder called postpartum depression. It usually occurs a few weeks after childbirth and the symptoms include appetite changes, being tired a lot, extreme mood changes and lack of interest in sex.