What you need to know before an extraction

Dental extractions can be painful and make patients feel self-conscious depending on the location of the extraction. A tooth will need to be extracted if it has little space, is decayed, broken, infected, or if a wisdom tooth does not grow correctly.

Types of extractions – There are two main types of extractions, they are simple and critical extractions. Simple procedures are those where the tooth is already loose and can be easily removed. Critical extractions will require an oral surgeon who will make a small incision and remove the tooth.

Before the procedure – Before an extraction, you will require an X-ray to understand how your tooth can be removed. Your dentist will also consider your medical history to ensure minimal risk and complications.

Risks or complications – The most common risk caused by dental extractions is the risk of infection together with temporary pain. Making sure you take the prescribed antibiotics and painkillers is key to healing and reducing pain.

Recovery – Simple extractions will heal in a day or two while more complicated procedures can take a week or longer. Your recovery time will greatly depend on how well you follow your doctor’s instructions. Some doctors will ask you to consume only liquids or soft foods for a few days to allow for faster recovery.

Once your extraction has fully healed you can speak to your dentist on what options are available to you to fill the gap. Experienced dentists will recommend dental implants which are fixed to your jaw bone. Dental implants are a safe and long-lasting option in comparison to dentures as they function like your natural teeth.

Elite Dental Group has experience in all forms of cosmetic dentistry and oral surgery. Their clinic is safe, clean, and uses the most modern dental equipment for a non-intrusive experience. They perform wisdom tooth extraction and offer dental implant options by highly trained professionals.